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Booster Pump for Filter Installation


​This provides a one-trip call in order to install a Booster Pump that has been predetermined to need replacement.  A picture of the current installation can reduce additional trip charges due to some unforeseen part or adapter needed.

One on-site visit includes:

  • Inspection of the current booster pump and verification that the current booster is receiving proper voltage. 

    • We do not do any further troubleshooting towards the installation.

      • If that is wanted, then we would need to do a pump troubleshoot, then a pump replacement service call.

  • Remove flexible hoses from old Pump

  • Disconnect and inspect conduit on old Pump.

  • Connect flexible hoses to the new pump

  • Attach conduit and bond wire to the new pump

  • Remove booster pump connection and flush line of any debris

  • Prime system. then turn on booster pump to test

  • Reconnect pool sweep and test operation

  • Haul away old Pump to attempt to recycle whatever materials can be.


This price assumes that there is a pad in place to put a new Pump and that the plumbing is PVC.  If these conditions are not present there will be additional charges to put a pad in or to adapt to copper plumbing.  There are additional charges for labor and materials in the case of copper plumbing or if current plumbing to feed the flexible lines are damaged.

All materials needed to install the pump are at an additional charge.  This installation does not include the installation of valves or any other components. (those are an additional fee).


​Warranty:  Pumps purchased through All Clear come with a 1-year guarantee against defects through the manufacturer depending on Pump model and manufacturer (we act as an intermediary on your behalf) this warranty is from date of installation or purchase. Please visit the manufacturer's website to confirm the actual warranty or see the paperwork left with you on-site.

* Pump running dry can void manufacturers' warranty.  Impellors and internal parts showing heat damage may not be covered.  These components are always covered with water so there is no reason they will heat up or show any signs of heat damage unless the pump runs dry.   This will be visible, in heat damage to plastic components  and vulcanization of rubber.  Most manufacturers allow us to fix this once as a courtesy, however if it occurs again, they may not if that is the case the following will occur.  If we determine that the damage was caused by heat in the first YEAR we will offer a 50% off labor and 30% off the replacement parts that are needed to bring it back to compliance.  This is assuming that the manufacturer will no longer cover it.   The tech will then look over the system to see if there is a cause they can see that caused it to run dry besides water level.  The first 15 minutes of this troubleshooting is a customer courtesy.  if the tech determines more time is necessary he will provide an estimate of what is causing it or what needs to be repaired.




(916) 686-7665


9156 Elk Grove Florin Rd.
Elk Grove, CA 95624


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